The topic chosen is developing of banking sphere with a help of IT.
Zoya Alybina,
Philippe de Smit,
Gregory Dethier,
Elsa Zerbib,
Cedric Grize
Thursday, 16 December 2010
A bank that launched itself in an online game
We find it interesting to post this, because it makes the link between our work and the work of the people working on the gaming industry.
In 2007, Keytrade opened a virtual office in the internet world, Second Life.
The virtual bank office proposed a money converter, converting the "Linden dollar" (Second Life's currency)in real money. The instrument was designed by the Belgian internet-marketing agency Emakina.
Though, the project didn't last long. since there were only 6 to 8000 Belgian gamers on Second Life, the market was quite small. But, Keytrade benefited from the media interest in this project. It was used as a branding tool.
Sunday, 12 December 2010
Friday, 10 December 2010
Video about NETTOBANK
For an English translation, please follow the following Link:
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
SAP FI consultant.
- key trands in e-banking
- IT infrastrusture of banks 5-6 years ago
- changes in last 7 years
- ways of development of banking in terms of IT
Monday, 6 December 2010
· SMS banking is already used today in different manners :
o In parallel with e-banking to verify the identity of a person.
o To send alerts to customers via SMS (ex: when you reach a certain limit).
o Use apps that enable customers to do their daily banking activities anywhere anytime.
· Some banks are developing their own applications for mobile phone (Westpac, BofA …). The usual features are :
o Account alerts and reminders
o Account balance, updates and history
o Branch or ATM location information. This can be used with the GPS and Google maps.
o Bill payment
o Transfers
· It is important to develop a specific app for mobile phone and not simply use a browser to use the online platform because they are not formatted for a small screen. Usability is a key factor of success for these applications.
· Mobile banking offers great opportunities and this why third parties are entering the market. Let's see the example of MoBank.
· It is a free mobile banking service application that allows you to buy cinema tickets, train tickets, fast food delivery, flowers, entertainment …
· The individual only enters the information about his credit/debit card once. This ways, payment is a lot faster and easier. There is a wide range of products available, and it increases every day.
· The revenues come from commissions on each payment made or on subscription.
Sunday, 5 December 2010
Keytrade, founder's empathy map + BM canvas
This is a short visual representation that summarizes the introduction of the Keytrade case। You discover the point of view of the founders, who had been clients (at a traditional bank) before. We learn how their helped them to identify the need of other people who had similar aspirations.
Note that Keytrade Pro is not paying, so we don't talk of a Freemium model.
Keytrade makes its revenues by collecting interest incomes and transaction fees.
Keytrade Blue is the online insurance. They didn't offer this initially, but we put it on the BM to show how they expanded their activities from a pure eBrokerage company, to a real eBank offering online banking, brokerage and insurance services.
Friday, 3 December 2010
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Monday, 8 November 2010
E-Banking Revenues
main types of income:
transaction costs: Customers have the option of investing
their money in all sorts of financial instruments. A
platform on the internet exists and each client makes its
investments as it wishes. The bank is compensated by
charging a commission on each transaction.
management fees: the bank has a personal relationship with
its customers. She advises them to manage their assets
(money management), management of portfolio risks or
In conclusion, Credit Suisse has two very different sources
of income: commissions on transactions which are based on
the amount and management fees which are based on the
quality. Margins offered by the management fee is of course
Monday, 25 October 2010
The main job to be done is to give an easy access for customers to their accounts. They want to manage easily their accounts and quickly execute some transactions. And that why banks develop e-banking and home banking platforms/software.
In addition to this platform, Crédit Suisse try to go further by offering SMS banking, the Crédit Suisse mobile finance, iPhone/iPad app, etc. This is to stray as close to customers as possible. Crédit Suisse tries to build a good relationship with their clients to keep them and not let them go to the competition.
1. Job to get done:
Monday, 18 October 2010
E-banking, Environmental analysis
1. Market Trends
2. Industry Forces
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Environmental analysis
Microsoft Office, Environmental analysis
3. Macroeconomic Forces
4. Market Forces
Monday, 27 September 2010
First try
Today we are starting the blog, which will show our group work on duration of 14 weeks.
Here is the short report of our group work today
2. Personal organizing
3. Entertainment
4. Corporate website